With Netcash Shop, you can connect an existing or new custom domain to your Instant Site from any provider. Netcash customers receive an exclusive 10% off on selected domain registration and Hosting services provided by Domains.co.za. Please refer to the terms and conditions to choose the right option for your business.
If you’ve chosen to register a new domain with Domains.co.za, you can follow the steps below to connect your domain to your Netcash Shop site. Note that these steps will apply once you have successfully purchased a Hosting package and registered a new domain with Domains.co.za.
Note that this feature is only available on Netcash Shop paid plans. If you downgrade your plan after connecting a custom domain, your domain (Shop URL) will be replaced by the free sub-domain, shop.netcash.co.za.
How to connect your custom domain from Domains.co.za:
1. In the Netcash Shop admin panel, go to Sales Channels > Website > Domain.
2. In the Site Address block, click on Change Address.

3. Enter your own custom domain in the ‘use your own domain’ field

4. Copy the IP address which is visible under the ‘Use your own domain name field’. When you click in the field, the four-step menu will appear as seen below:

5. Click save.
Now, sign in to your Domains.co.za account.
1. In Account Overview, select ‘Manage Domains.’
2. Select the domain you want to use for your site, and click Manage > Manage in the menu.

3. In the Manage Domains dashboard, scroll down and select the ‘Manage DNS’ option.

4. Edit the A Record for your domain (example.co.za) and replace the existing IP address with the IP address from your Netcash Shop. Click Done to save your changes.

5. Now follow the same process and Edit the existing CNAME record for your domain. This time, make sure that these fields are completed as follows (if they aren’t already done for you):
Host: www.yoursitename.co.za (or TLDR you chose such as .online)
Value: yoursitename.co.za (the same as the host field, just without ‘www’ in front)

6. Once both the A record and CNAME are updated, you will need to wait for your domain to correctly update to point to your Netcash Shop site. This can take anywhere from 2 – 48 hours.
Once successful, you should see your Netcash Shop URL update to your new domain name. If not, contact Domains.co.za for further assistance.