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  5. Adding and removing staff accounts

Adding and removing staff accounts

As the store owner you can provide your staff members (fulfillment staff, theme designer, developer, etc) or your partner with their personal login account to access your Netcash Shop admin panel. Each member you invite will have have their own restricted permissions and individual credentials to log in to the Netcash Shop  admin, where they can add products, process orders, run marketing campaigns, etc., according to their task. They will not be able to access your financial information or invite additional staff members.

The Business plan includes 2 staff accounts. You can have as many staff accounts as you’d like on the Unlimited plan.

Table of contents

Available staff permissions

Permissions control specific store admin sections and features a staff member can access. Netcash Shop store owners can grant one or multiple permissions based on the role of a particular staff in the store management team. For example, if you hire a person to update stock levels, you can limit their access to the Catalog section.

The following staff access permissions are currently available for Netcash Shop:


Access scope


Allows staff to access the My Sales section of store admin. They can manage orders, abandoned carts, and customer list.


Allows staff to access the Catalog section of store admin. They can add and edit products, set prices, track inventory, update stock levels, and manage categories and gift cards.


Allows staff to access the Marketing section of store admin. They can manage advertising campaigns, create discount coupons, set up discounts, newsletters, and automated emails.

Reports and analytics

Allows staff to access the Reports section of store admin as well as reports and sales stats on the Dashboard. They can manage store analytics tools and view reports and sales stats.


Allows staff to access the Website and Overview (only the Sell on your website and Sell on Instant Site blocks) sections of store admin. They can edit Instant Site’s appearance and and change the website address. Additionally, they can add the store to other sites.

Sales channels

Allows staff to access the Overview section of store admin (except for the Sell on your website and Sell on Instant Site blocks). 

Store settings, shipping, and payment methods

Allows staff to access the Settings, Design, Payment, and Shipping & Pickup sections of store admin. Staff can also access REST API tokens and the secret Manage your apps page in the store admin used to develop customization apps.


With this permission, staff can change the store’s general, legal, tax, checkout, and other settings; adjust storefront design, manage admin and customer notifications, tracking toolshttps://shop.netcash.co.za/blog/docs/store-setup-and-ways-to-sell/products/product-inventory-tracking/, product types, product filters, and payment and shipping methods.


Staff members can also see and install apps from Netcash Shop’s App Market that match their permissions. The store owner will get a dedicated email if a staff member installs the app.

Only staff members with all the permissions can use Netcash Shop’s mobile store management app.

Adding staff accounts

Only you (the account owner) can create staff accounts by sending an invitation to a staff member. Upon acceptance of the invitation, the staff member will be asked to:

    •  Sign in to their existing Netcash Shop account in case they already have their own account and want to access your store using that account login;
    • or they can choose to Sign up (it’s free).

As soon as the staff members go through the sign-in process, they will access your Netcash Shop admin panel.

Are you creating Netcash Shop stores for your friends or clients and want to manage them all in one place? Check out our Partner Program for more details.

To add a new staff account

1. From your Netcash Shop admin, go to My Profile → Staff Accounts.

2. Click Add staff member:

3. Enter the email address of the staff member you would like to invite:

    1. Click Send Invite.

    An email invitation to create an account and join your team will be sent to the new staff member. The invitation letter has the subject “You have been invited to manage [your store name]”.

    When your staff member receives the email invitation to open a staff account for your Netcash Shop store, they have to:

    1. Click the Join store button in the email to accept the invitation.
    2. After that staff members have a choice to:
      • Join your store team with their existing Netcash Shop account, if they happen to have it and want to use its login as your staff member login.
      • Create a new profile to access your store (Netcash Shop account registration is free).

Upon signing in to their account, the staff member will access the Netcash Shop admin and can help set up and manage the store according to their permissions. For example, a marketing expert hired to run promotions will be able to view and change settings in the Marketing section.

After a staff member accepts the invitation to manage the store and follows the special link to sign in to their account for the first time, they can then use Netcash Shop’s regular login page to access the store. If the member is managing several stores with the same staff login, they will each time be asked to choose the store they want to manage upon login.

For store owners, staff members who accepted the invitation to manage the store will be listed in the Current staff members section on the Staff Accounts page.

Staff members can edit their own profile details, such as update password or their login email. If they change their email, the store owner will get a notification.

Editing staff permissions

The store owner can edit permissions for any staff member at any time. This includes granting additional permissions and revoking the ones a staff member already has. After permissions are updated, the staff member will get an email notifying them about their new access scope.

To edit staff permissions:

1. Log into Netcash Shop  as the store owner.

2. From your Ecwid admin, go to My Profile → Staff Accounts.

3. Locate the staff member on the page.

4. Click Edit Member.

5. On the opened page, select the permissions you want to give and clear the permissions you want to revoke:

6. Click Save.

That’s it! The permissions are now updated.

Removing staff accounts

As a precautionary measure, you should periodically revise the list of your store’s staff accounts and remove the staff members that you do not work with anymore.

To remove a staff account:

1. From your Netcash Shop Admin, go to My Profile → Staff Accounts.

2. In the staff account’s card click Actions → Remove user:

The staff member will no longer have access to your store.

In case you ever want to work with this staff member again, you will need to re-invite them to manage your store.