X-Cart import format and Netcash Shop

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X-Cart import format and Netcash Shop

X-Cart import format can be used instead of the standard Netcash Shop import tool if you need to import categories and product options. The import file should be in a CSV format. Download a sample X-Cart file.

X-Cart export file contains a lot of data blocks. Netcash Shop uses only three blocks at this moment  – [CATEGORIES], [PRODUCTS] and [PRODUCT_OPTIONS].


From [CATEGORIES] block Netcash Shop uses these columns:
Column name Description Type Optional Limits
!CATEGORY category path (Books/Computers/HTML for example) string required 255 symbols for each category name (“Books” – one category name, “Computers” – other category name)
!AVAIL category availability (enabled/disabled) boolean optional “true”, “yes”, “Y”, “1” for true, any other values for false
!ORDERBY category ordering integer optional any integer value


From [PRODUCTS] block, Netcash Shop uses the following columns:

Column nameDescriptionTypeOptionalLimits
!PRODUCTCODEproduct SKUstringat least one of “!PRODUCTCODE” or “!PRODUCT” field is required255 symbols
!PRODUCTproduct namestringat least one of “!PRODUCTCODE” or “!PRODUCT” field is required255 symbols
!WEIGHTproduct weightfloating numberoptionalany valid floating number value, if column is present but empty – product is intangible
!DESCRproduct descriptionstringoptionalno limits
!AVAILused to control quantity in stockintegeroptional 
!FORSALEproduct availability (enabled/disabled)booleanoptional“true”, “yes”, “Y”, “1” for true, any other values for false
!SHIPPING_FREIGHTproduct shipping freight value (“Fixed Rate” value in Netcash Shop product editor)floating pointoptional 
!LOW_AVAIL_LIMITproduct quantity warning limit (“Send me a note when quantity in stock reaches” option)integeroptional 
!CATEGORYcategory path (Books/Computers/HTML), which product belongs tostringoptional255 symbols for each category name (“Books” – one category name, “Computers” – other category name)
!PRICEproduct pricefloating pointoptional 
!THUMBNAILlink to product imagestringoptionalonly http:// and https:// links are allowed, any other values are ignored
!IMAGEanother link to product image, if defined overwrites the !THUMBNAIL valuestringoptionalonly http:// and https:// links are allowed, any other values are ignored


From [PRODUCT_OPTIONS] block Netcash Shop uses these columns:

Column nameDescriptionTypeOptionalLimits
!PRODUCTCODEproduct SKUstringat least one of “!PRODUCTCODE” or “!PRODUCT” field is required 
!PRODUCTproduct namestringat least one of “!PRODUCTCODE” or “!PRODUCT” field is required 
!CLASSoption class name, for example “Color”, “Size” etcstringoptional 
!TYPEoption type (“Input Type” in Netcash Shop product editor)optionalstring

“Text type” if empty.

“Drop-down type” if value equals to “Y”.

!OPTIONoption name, for example for option class “Size” a option names are “Small”, “Medium”, “Large”stringrequired 
!PRICE_MODIFIERprice modifier valuefloating pointrequired 
!MODIFIER_TYPEprice modified typestringoptionalif value equals to “%” then modified type is “Percent” (%) or “Absolute” ($) if any other value

Any data block is optional, you can import only categories or products with options without categories at all. Any floating point value has to be formatted accordingly to your store settings (look at Control Panel -> System settings -> General -> Formats & Units)

One product can belong to many categories. In this case, column values must look like here:


X-Cart import CSV sample in attachment